Busride to Jaipur - 14.08.-15.08
On the 15th of August at around 5 am i finally arrived in my hostel in the city of Jaipur which is the capital of the Indian state Rajastan.
This was a hell of a busride. He he.
Well it was not as terrible as you may think. It's just that this bus was what could be called a "lower class" bus.
And i was not really aware of it. Because the difference in the price was maybe 100 rupi. Which back home wouldn't make much of a difference because it equals about 1.5$ . But in this country for some people is a lot of money.
So in the moment i entered this bus i was a bit surprised, because on the floor a whole bunch of poor looking people where sitting. Some mother's where sitting there with their children and some children lying on the floor sleeping. While trying to get to my cabin ( this was a sleeper bus) i had to be careful not to step on one of these children on the floor. So after finally reaching my cabin, the super shaky bus ride started. This bus was shaking so hard that it was not even possible to read something or for example type a number on my phone.
Well it was maybe not the most comfortable bus ride ever, but very interesting to see how people with less money in this country travel.
Arriving in jaipur my bus simply dropped me in the middle of nowhere somewhere in the middle of this city at about 4 am. So from there i had to take an autoriksha. My hostel was a bit hidden, so for like 1 hour me and that riksha driver were driving around in circles in this area around the hostel, trying to find it. After searching for ages i decided to ask for the way in one of these bigger and more expensive hotels. Luckily the man at the reception was very friendly and offered to explain the way to my driver in Hindi. This helped a lot and , oh yeah, finally we found my hostel.
Jaipur exploring the city - 15.08.2014
So in the morning of the 15th, after i had slept few hours, i decided to join some germans and one guy from the states to explore the city together. That was a real advantage because it divided the costs for the rikshas of each by 3, as a riksha in Jaipur can usually carry up to 3 people. The american guy told me that he was going to do a bigger site seeing trip the next day through the city. I liked his idea and told him i would join him, which i actually did after all.
So this day we were walking through the city mainly.
street in Jaipur (all the streets look like this) |
As you can see in the photo above, all the houses in this city are in red color, probably because they were made out of sand stone. On the side of the street there were endless amounts of shops which ironically were all selling the same kind of stuff. Which is why i ask my self how these people can still make money.
men making straw baskets on the street |
shops in jaipur |
a market street in jaipur |
A man on the street tried to show us a small Hindu temple where are all the local people go to. He said that mainly the people who live in this street are usually coming here to pray.
small hindu temple in the middle of the city |
After that we went to see an antique astronomous observatory called "Jantar Mantar". One of the old Kings of this City had let this built. When you enter the Jantar Mantar there are many of these constructs as shown in the next picture.
giant sun dial, in the Jantar Mantar observatory |
The one shown on my picture above was a very large sun dial built to show the time. Similar looking smaller constructs served as a compass or way to track star constellations. ( how these work was not so clear because the signs didn't explain much except the name of the constellation like e.g. cancer).
After visiting the observatory we went to a restaurant to get lunch, and were hanging out there for about 3 hours. After that around 6 pm we went to a bollywood movie, which was super fun to watch. Every time something exciting was happening, the whole cinema was cheering like a football stadium. Like every time the good guy was kicking some bad guy's ass, for example, people were cheering for him.
The movie had a duration of about 3 hours, so between 9-10 pm tired we returned back to our hostel.
At the cinema i took a shot of the poster of that movie in order to remember the name of that movie. So the name of the movie was "Singham Returns".
bollywood movie i saw that day |
16.08.2014 - round trip around jaipur
On the 16th of August me and the american guy went on a one day trip to see the most important sites around the city. For that we rented us a riksha driver for a whole day. The most important sites included:
- The city palace
- The Wind palace
- The Amer fortress
- The Water palace
- The monkey temple
The price for the risksha for a whole day was around 800 rupis which is about 10 euros. So it was around 5 euros each.Which is not much compared to home. Imagine working at home for a whole day and to only making 10 euros/day. But for people here this is a lot of money.
So first of all we went to the city palace. Well, there isn't much to see from outside. So i didn't took a photo from outside. Most buildings in this city from outside look exactly the same, even the palace. You only see the difference when you actually go inside. So the following picture was taken from inside the palace.
city palace from inside |
There was also a museum inside the palace. But i found that rather boring because they were only showing some old dresses.
After visiting the city palace we went on to see the so called wind palace of jaipur. Well this building you may recognize as a non regular building from outside while walking down the streets.
wind palace from outside |
wind palace from inside |
After visiting the wind palace i was waiting outside sitting on a bench under a tree, while the american mate tried to find our riksha driver. Well i was waiting on that bench because i didn't feel so well that morning. While waiting i saw that very cute squirrel kind of animal eating a nut. You see these animals running around here in the cities a lot.
squirrel eating a nut |
After seeing the windpalce we went to a place called "the amer fortress". From all the sites we had seen that day i liked this on the most. I guess this is also the reason why from this place i took most of the photos that day. So there is this fortress , which is ontop of the mountain. And around this fortress there is a great wall protecting the fort from possible invaders. It was possible to walk up the stairs to this wall, which is on top of the mountain. We met some funny guy who i think was from russia. He counted the steps the way up, and it was 377 steps to the top. So when i reached the wall, i was so impressed, because it looked a bit like the great wall of china. Just of course not as big as the chinese wall, but still quite impressive. Because from the top you get too see all the land around.
the amer fort as seen from the wall |
me inside the amer fortress |
the stairs going up the wall |
me sitting on the stairs to the wall |
the wall on the mountain top |
me sitting on top of the wall's watch tower |
After our visit to the amer fort, we made a quick stop to see the water palace which was in the middle of a lake. It's was not possible to go there inside, just to see it from outside. Some people told me that in the past they tried to make a very expensive hotel inside the palace. But it smelled like pee all the time, so people didn't want to pay for their rooms and they had to shut down the hotel.
the water palace |
Our last stop that day was the monkey temple. I assume it is called monkey temple because on the way up to the temple you can see loads of monkeys. The temple was on top of a mountain. From this temple we could see the whole city of Jaipur and watch the sun set. I guess this was a good and peaceful end for this very long day.
monkey temple |