Thursday, 14 August 2014

Akshardham temple & journey to Rajasthan - 14.08.2014

This evening i will take a bus to the indian state called "Rajasthan". So for that reason i decided not to do too much today and just plan my trip a bit more. But because i think it is a waste of time to plan 24 hours, i decided to go and see a temple in Delhi which is called "Akshardham" temple.
Compared to other sites i have visited until now in Delhi, this temple is relativaly new. It was opened in 2005 and is known to be the largest Hindu temple in the world.
To get there is very easy, you just have to take the metro to the station called Akshardham, and from there it's only a 5 minute walk to get to the temple.
Unfortunately it's not allowed to take any cameras inside, but the nice thing is that you get in there for free. So the only way to get a picture of this temple, is from the metro station. So the following foto which i took from the metro station.

In my opinion this temple is definitely worth to be seen, because it tells a lot about the hinduism religion which i didn't know before. As my friends told me some days ago, hindusim is less of a religion but more a way of life. I could see this when i was walking around the temple.
Around the temple there are many sculptures of elephants. As i could read from the inscriptions the elephants play a very important role in hindusim, because they are an ideal example of how humans should be and behave. In hinduism, the elephant is a creature which shows the beauty of gods creation. Elephants are strong, peaceful, and they wouldn't harm other creatures, because elephants are vegetarian.
I wish i could have taken a photo of some of the sculptures. But as it is not allowed i will just describe one of them in words as an example.
So one sculpture was showing two elephants with two human riders fighting against each other. The meaning behind it is that elephants are very peaceful animals and would never fight each other, but humans do. So this sculpture basically symbolized that humans should not use violence against each other, but live together in peace. So there were many sculptures like these surrounding the temple,  giving examples of how humans should behave.
If you sum up the main ideas of all these symbolic images, you realize that these religions from their idea are not so different from the religions which we have back home.

Inside the temple paintings can be seen of people who we in the western world would call prophets, because they brought their positive philosophies to the people. So i guess this is also very similar to for example the christian religion where people pray to jesus, and try to follow his philosophies.

Well i have not studied the hindu religion, so if what i say is wrong, you may correct me. This is just what i have concluded from what i have seen so far.


  1. I enjoyed thoroughly reading it! You write amazingly superb :)

  2. Do you have any Indian contact number ?
